Building Usage
As of Tuesday, June 1, 2021, all COVID-19 related recommendations and restrictions will be lifted for being in our church building.
We will always ask that if you are sick that you stay home and worship with us online.
Masks and sanitizer will still be available upon entering the church building.
As of Tuesday, June 1, 2021, all COVID-19 related recommendations and restrictions will be lifted for being in our church building.
We will always ask that if you are sick that you stay home and worship with us online.
Masks and sanitizer will still be available upon entering the church building.
March 19, 2020
Greeting church family!
Through consultation with church leadership with best information from local ministers, community leaders, and best current CDC information, we will not hold in-person worship services, meetings, Bible Studies, etc. for the next three weeks and reevaluate accordingly.
Every Sunday, I will have a worship opportunity worship service available on the website by 10 AM. I will email and have available a worship bulletin with hymn and scripture so that we worship together in our homes. If you will, please email or call the church office if you take part in our video worship service so we can acknowledge attendance.
Please remember your church family in your prayers and please mail your offerings or give online or through bank transfers. For more information on how to give, there are several options on the Website under the “Giving” Tab (
If you have pastoral concerns or needs, please let your care elder know.
I am praying for you all! I hope that in all things we all realize the glory of God and trust in God alone!
Grace and peace,
Rev. Brian Christen
Greeting church family!
Through consultation with church leadership with best information from local ministers, community leaders, and best current CDC information, we will not hold in-person worship services, meetings, Bible Studies, etc. for the next three weeks and reevaluate accordingly.
Every Sunday, I will have a worship opportunity worship service available on the website by 10 AM. I will email and have available a worship bulletin with hymn and scripture so that we worship together in our homes. If you will, please email or call the church office if you take part in our video worship service so we can acknowledge attendance.
Please remember your church family in your prayers and please mail your offerings or give online or through bank transfers. For more information on how to give, there are several options on the Website under the “Giving” Tab (
If you have pastoral concerns or needs, please let your care elder know.
I am praying for you all! I hope that in all things we all realize the glory of God and trust in God alone!
Grace and peace,
Rev. Brian Christen