1 Corinthians 12.26 (RSV)
If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Our faith involves other people. Jesus invites us to take care of one another. Jesus invites us to tend to others especially if they are in need or are vulnerable. Jesus invites us to seek justice and righteousness for everyone. It is a daunting task to be sure, but one that God’s people have been given nonetheless. Psalms, once again, tell us the truth about ourselves. And the truth is that we are to be part of what God is doing in the world. God invites you and me to be co-creators in making our lives, and the lives of others, equitable. We are to share what we have: time, money, and talents so that all benefit from goodness, honesty, and peace. As the adage goes, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” Sunday we will hear the call to return to giving even-handed justice. The Psalm will remind us again that justice is for all: the orphan, the weak, and the needy; as well as the oppressors, the oblivious, and covetous. We have been gifted, tasked, and reminded that righteous justice includes all no matter what. Grace and peace, Rev. Brian
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Rev. Brian
Husband, father, minister, child of God, follower of Jesus Christ writing in the context of La Porte Community Church Archives
November 2016
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