James 1.5 (NRSV)
If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you. Words that are full of wisdom really capture our attention. Ben Franklin, one of our founding fathers, had a multiplicity of well-loved sayings including "Tell me and I forget/teach me and I remember/involve me and I learn.” There is also “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Old Ben had this unique knack of saying concisely and memorably things that seem to apply to all of life. Sunday we are starting a series called “Solomon Says.” Listening together to supposed wisdom of another well-known Biblical giant, King Solomon ,who was considered by many a person worth emulating. While I most likely will not be playing an altered game of Simon Says, I still think wisdom is worth considering in our time together. Specifically, this Sunday, we will be reminded that we are in this together; that we are all made by God. And even as we devise and contrive ways to keep us at arm’s reach from one another, God, we are reminded, is the maker of us all and divisions are not God’s way. God through Jesus Christ's love creates unity in the midst of diversity. So Solomon says, “See you in church on Sunday!” Grace and peace, Rev. Brian
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Rev. Brian
Husband, father, minister, child of God, follower of Jesus Christ writing in the context of La Porte Community Church Archives
November 2016
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